Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Mon Ami... Not

Normally you would be seeing my Le Petite project in all is splendid beauty.  Today you get let in on a secret.  My sewing room looks like this.
I am working really hard to fix the problem and until then I won't be showing you my quilt as well it is scattered to and fro and until I find the sewing machine I can't remedy the situation.  I might be exaggerating just a tad.  I share my sewing room with my husband who does leather work and a all the books in the house not to mention 3 kids.  One of which thinks reading every book is great, at 2 though he quite has figured one at a time.
So I am off to clean.


  1. I could have written this post. My sewing room is an absolute disaster right now! :)

  2. My whole house looks like this! haha and I WISH I had a sewing machine. :)

  3. I can relate....I wont say anymore, or show any pictures! Here is to finding your sewing machine!!!!!!


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