Saturday, September 18, 2010

Friday night

Football Sew in.  So the football game was great but we lost...

Oh right you want to know about my sewing...

Happiness in a box. 

Look at those colors for a person with 3 boys it is fun to sew something with some pink. 

Chopped up and strutting their stuff.

Paired up ready to sew.


See my nice flags. 

Anybody want to iron?


  1. I will pass on the ironing, thanks...I still have 20 pillowcases to I bad?

    Love the colors. It is funny but with all the boys I have, most of my quilts are girly...HA!! Trust me, that didn't stop them from using them.

    Can't wait to see what you are up to.

  2. I hate ironing, even my precious sewing projects. looks great though

  3. Sweet and girly.

    I'll pass on the lovely offer! ;)

  4. No, I'll pass on your invite to the ironing, thanks. Looking forward to seeing what you're going to turn your "flags" into though.

  5. I roning can be apill but so worth the effort, yea easy to say right? LOL love the colors!


Thanks for dropping by and sharing!